24 hour shipping available Last Minute Order?
Eco-2001 The world of web sites that are specifically structured for retail sales is quickly becoming the dominant arena for retail commerce in our society, but few people can appreciate the hurdles one must face to succeed when selling everything from custom modular displays down to table displays. In this shopping arena, items can be ordered with specific colors, and many times items will also have customer specific graphics and some which come with many custom attachments. Then on top of that, the product must be shipped in 5-10 days, and much of the time, directly to show site without a review first. Our final selection for a major supplier, must a company who can provide solutions to our challenges, and the competitor in the market who probably does this the best is Classic Exhibits. Classic Exhibits, who has been manufacturing show displays for over 25 years, has matured into a very savvy manufacturing organization, and also has produced some award winning products during this time. For the most part, large distributors in our industry often buy from overseas and deliver the product to a warehouse and then when an order comes in, the product is pulled and shipped out without even inspecting it first, which are a type of show display which brings little or no variety to the market. Classic has found success with many custom inline display systems such as the "Visions by Classic" as well as many products in the tension fabric displays line. Knowing that we have Classic as a supplier, ShopForDisplays can be confident of their future.