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Xpressions Shelves


Xpressions Pop Up Display Acessories: Change seems to come slow in the trade show displays industry as far as new cutting edge products, 

however the Xpression's Snap graphics system has moved the exhibit industry a big step forward all at once. Most of us are so used to the pop up frames having graphics that are hung as large photo murals from the top hubs, however this is totally different because the skins are attached one by one. With all these advantages, it is no wonder that the Xpression's snap replacement panels has become a immensely successful product in the last 4 years and people are consistently discovering ways to be creative and expand the potential of the system which will eventually benefit everyone who uses it.

Optima Graphics has become, the undisputed leading pop up display graphic supplier in the exhibit industry, for those companies that purchase graphics for their organizations and trade show customers. How did such a small company in the 80s become such a giant in the industry today? To begin with, Jim Hoffman, founder and president of Optima Graphics, developed a culture within his company that fostered extraordinary service to the customers, and a commitment to bring to market, new cutting edge products. He then aggressively went out with these new systems and put them into the showrooms of every distributor of exhibit products in the nation to demonstrate their value and utility in the market. As time went on, Optima kept coming out with new and innovative products which kept creating new opportunities for the company.By now, everyone in the industry knows that the name Optima is synonymous with service; fast service. In this regard, Optima is the king when it comes to fast service at a fair price. Everyone at Optima it seems, is friendly and truly wants to serve the customers, which speaks well for our clients. So, As far as my business, there is no doubt who will be the supplier of choice for my graphic needs; Optima wins hands down.

ShopForExhibits is rapidly becoming a leading retailer of trade show displays on the internet, and are well-known as a business that is knowledgeable of every facet of the exhibit business from firsthand experience. Lowell Nickens,the owner of SFE, has not only owned a retail trade show display business, but in addition has manufactured displays for 21 years as President of Classic Exhibits, in addition to founding and operating a trade show decorating business for 10 years before selling the company to GES. Having been in the exhibit business for so many years, and having invented or developed so many systems over that length of time, Nickens' expertise will be a valuable resource in the choice of your next display. We seriously hope that you will take a few moments to look at the display systems that we market, and then pick up the phone and let us help you to accomplish your exhibit marketing objectives.

Purchase Online or Call 800-342-9579


  • Manufacturer: Optima Graphics
  • Lead Time: 4 days from file approval, or 3 days with overnight shipping
  • Setup Time: 5 minutes
  • Warranty: Lifetime


  • Available in Black or White


  • Available in Black or White